1 Corinthians 13:5 â€" "[Love] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil." Sam and his family are looking forward to a super-fun day at the park â€" especially a rip-roaring game of freeze tag. But when Sam meets a lonely little boy and his two siblings, he has a decision to make. Is it worth giving up his favorite game to make someone else happy? Children ages 3-10 years will be delighted with the family-friendly stories from Scripture Tales. This storybook series follows the life of the Wilson family, who, through every-day adventures together, learn what it means to make the Bible real in their family. Each book is based on one verse from Scripture, and shows how the family learns to apply that verse to their lives. 26 pages, color illustrations, softback. Also see our first book in our Scripture Tales series: The Best-Ever Hiding Place!