Briar's Point is a whimsical little town with its fair share of colorful characters, crime, and a Cupid suffering from the denim blues... See if you can find denim blue in each story Erin Shanley, a hospice nurse, turns amateur sleuth when she realizes that some of her patients are being swindled out of their life savings by the new "psychic" fortunetellers in Briar's Point. She confides in her neighbor, Detective Tyler Shaw, whom she grew up alongside and considers her best friend. Tough guy Ty has been in love with Erin since their disastrous first attempt at a romantic relationship when they were teenagers. Erin has been skittish about love since she discovered her father was cheating on her mother-and Ty is so much like her father. How can she risk loving a reckless, restless adventurer when her mother's loyalty to a man like that brought her so much pain? But when Erin's bumbling sleuthing attempts arouse someone's wrath, she realizes her heart isn't the only thing in danger.