Lily the holiday fairy is given a new assignment this Christmas season -- teach a lonely doctor how to love again. But this presents a major challenge. Lily gently coerces people how to embrace the Christmas spirit every year. She doesn't have a clue what love really is.
The holidays are always depressing for Tim Killian after losing his beloved parents in a terrible car crash. With no family to celebrate with, he throws himself into his medical practice to forget the pain, at least for a little while.
When he literally runs into a gorgeous redhead one evening and knocks her to the ground, he's struck dumb by her beauty. And when the very same sexy woman comes into his office the next day seeking medical attention, he's more than interested in his new -- but odd -- patient.
Soon Tim finds himself involved with the mysterious Lily, but so many things about her don't add up. Is she what she seems? And does he really want to fall in love with a woman he knows absolutely nothing about?
Oh yes, he does…