Much time has passed since Aeneva and Trenton Hawkins were wed--and much tragedy has hit their small family. Believing that both of their sons, Roberto and Nathan, were killed on a trip to San Francisco, they try to mend their broken hearts by adopting a daughter named Anna. Anna becomes the light of their lives, and they delight in her great beauty as she grows into womanhood. And when Anna falls in love, Aeneva wishes the same happiness and rapture for her daughter as she and her husband share...
Anna can do nothing but think of the blond-haired Steven Randall, the man she has come to adore. The mystery that surrounds him makes him all the more desirable, and she can't wait to experience the pleasures she knows that their shared love will bring. Together they will discover the secrets of their passion, the bitterness of betrayal--and fight to fulfill the prophecy that is her birthright!
Heroine: Kathleen Anna O'Leary