[Please note - The first installment of this series is available as a free sample on the author's website. Also, the series is available as individual installments or one complete series ebook.]
Another one of Daisy's friends has received a vision of his future from the seer Sam Woods, and that vision is so far removed from Brett's current life that he can hardly believe it. As he forgets what he saw, Daisy wonders, what was the point of it all?
But after talking with Woods, as she realizes how much he wishes he could see what Brett did, see himself in love and loved in return, Daisy can only share his loneliness, and she could almost wish for a vision of her own -- almost, but not quite.
It's this same loneliness that pushes Cathleen to ask for her turn, and the vision Woods offers her shows her the man that will give her the companionship and love she craves -- a man half her age.
Torn by the fear of how others, including her own son, will see this age difference, Cathleen has kept her relationship with Alex a secret. It is now time for her to decide if she should end it altogether, or if she can allow herself to enjoy the love she had nearly given up on finding.
(14,500 words)