Hundreds of the most creative minds in murder are assembling in the tiny town of Moosetookalook, Maine -- and before the final page is turned, one of them will be writing in the past tense...
Liss MacCrimmon, purveyor of all things plaid at the Moosetookalook Scottish Emporium, couldn't be more pleased that her hometown is hosting the First Annual Maine-ly Cozy Con. The mystery book conference promises to attract plenty of popular authors, as well as new business for Moosetookalook's unique local shops. And with her new fiance Dan's family-owned hotel filling with attendees, the outlook seems very bonnie indeed.
But soon, Liss and Dan discover just how far some authors take their research. When a muckraking reviewer with a grudge takes a swan dive off a scenic lookout, no one wants to believe it was homicide. After all, it's one thing to dream up imaginary crimes -- but to commit a real one takes motive, means, and extreme maliciousness.
The more Liss learns, the more she realizes just how many people are glad the deceased has written her final story. And with an entire conference brimming with potential suspects -- from a famous actress-turned-bestselling author to her power-broker agent, and an overextended events coordinator with plenty to hide -- it will take a killer instinct to figure out which writer belongs in the true crime section...before the murderer pens The End for another innocent victim...