After the events in Lakelinds, Arilden finds himself back in City State - a metropolis run by the three ruling families of Drake, Gremorie, and Lumiss. Reeling with despair, Arilden contemplates drowning his sorrows in the dregs of an ale mug, but his steadfast friend Torque refuses to let him languish in a rundown tavern. Torque, on the verge of ascending to nobility within the prestigious Lumiss Family, only needs to prove himself one final time for his title. The last task is a simple one, but that which appears simple is oft times the most complicated. It comes as little surprise to Arilden when that basic job spirals into chaos. Throw in an obsessed dwarven alchemist, the lure of the legendary Philosophers Stone, and a cursed island, and you've got the makings of one hell of an adventure. Too bad Arilden would rather be back in the tavern.