The year is 2088. The place: the dystopian husk of mindless, unrelenting violence once known as the United States...With fourteen-year-old Dec now safe but strangely changed, Marion, Spare, Victor, and their new allies Amara, Grady, and Xorali, find themselves in a literal no-Man's land called Hystoria-a hidden community of women tucked away in a glacier beyond the northern border of the violence-filled NARRA (the National Autonomous Region ofRights for Americans).With a ruthless and vengeful army hot on their trail, Marion and her fugitive friends accept the hospitality and protection of Naryssa and the mysterious women of Hystoria.Marion is sure she can use her old contacts and new alliances to return home to theNTS (New Thought Society) and retake her world from the chaotic control of the rebellious Inciters.If only she and her friends were allowed to leave.