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All Ion Jacobs ever wanted was to be normal. But when you're capable of killing with your very thoughts, it's hard to blend in with the crowd.

Running from his past and living in fear of being discovered, Ion knows he will never be an average college student. But when Hawk, the beautiful, mysterious girl next door unearths his darkest secret, Ion's life is flipped upside-down. He's shocked to discover a whole world of people just like him -- a world in another dimension, where things like levitation, shape-shifting, and immortality are not only possible… they're normal.

Forced to keep more secrets than ever before, Ion struggles to control his powers in the real world while commuting between realms -- until his arch enemy starts a fight he can't escape. Now he has sealed the fate of the Dimension, severing their connection to the real world, and locking himself inside forever. But a deadly threat hidden in plain sight may cost Ion more than just his freedom -- it may cost him his life.

The Blood Race is the first book in K.A. Emmons' riveting new sci-fi/fantasy thriller series. If you like epic urban fantasy, fresh takes on super powers, deep allegories, raw emotions and intricate plots that surprise you at every turn, you'll love the first novel in Emmons' page-turning series. Grab your copy of The Blood Race and delve into a new dimension today!


What Readers Are Saying:

"It made me think, left me gasping from truths, and nearly in tears over the raw, emotional power of the story. From the first word, I was swept away on a wild ride that I won't be forgetting anytime soon."

“I haven't read such an original story or one that completely captivated my attention in a long time. I'm intrigued, excited, scared, and more. And I have missed that feeling.”

"The Blood Race doesn't shy away from controversial issues. I love the diversity of races, origins, and backgrounds in the characters, as well as the book's candor about struggles each of us face, such as temptation, deception, fear, and anger. The spiritual depth in this book is rare among young authors. I felt myself resonating with each word of wisdom spoken by Sensei, each truth that Hawk and Ion learn, each battle won. The Blood Race is a prime example of transformational fiction, entertaining but also expounding spiritual truth."

"This novel blew me away."

"Unique and brilliant. Everyone needs this book in their lives!"

"This book is very fast paced and filled to the brim with beautifully written descriptions and great characters. Think X-Men meets Miss Peregrine, but in a fresh and exciting new twist. It reminded me of a modern, sci-fi, teenage Narnia."

"It was the first book in months to keep me up till the wee hours reading and on the edge of the chair."

"This is far beyond a good book; this is the best book I've ever read!"

"I can safely say that this was a book unlike anything that I have ever read."

"It is rare to find YA sci-fi with anything deeper than the surface as far as themes go (at least not good ones) and The Blood Race packed full of meaning and deeper layers while maintaining its integrity as a story."