NEBADOR - the incredible journey of five young adults from poverty and oppression to respected citizenship in the wide universe ... This epic young-adult science fiction adventure begins as a strange young man arrives in a medieval kingdom. Openly seeking a crew for a mysterious ship no one has seen, it is soon clear he is looking for something other than salty old sailors. BOOK ONE: THE TEST is the first book in the NEBADOR series. These stories are filled with wit-sharpening and skill-honing challenges - mental, emotional, and spiritual - for both the characters and the reader. It is truly a grand adventure in which the characters come to understand a beloved saying of the Nebador Transport Service: "Personal power is the ability to stand on your own two feet, with a smile on your face, in the middle of a universe that contains a million ways to crush you." This is the HARDCOVER GLOBAL/LIBRARY edition in 10-point type, revision 2.