Martha Troyer finds herself in a quandary as she is sought after by two eligible young Amish men. While Daniel Beiler lives locally and would be a wise choice for marriage, she finds him serious-minded. Paul Yoder, however, is a good conversationalist and fun, as well as attractive, but it is a two-hour car ride to his community and he might expect to settle there, after marriage. Being an only child, Martha's parents push for her to marry a man from their district so they could remain close and be part of her future family. Martha wonders if it was God's will she met Paul while helping a family member, who had five young children. Deborah had needed assistance when her latest babies were born. She was overwhelmed by her responsibilities, made worse by a lazy husband. After returning to her home with her parents in Paradise, a confrontation takes place between the two young suitors, which causes a rift in Martha's family. Perhaps it is time to leave the safety of her Amish community and consider alternatives to her future. She is after all, unbaptized. If changes are to be made, now is the time to make them.