This is a story of 11yr old Zoe. Soon to be 12 years old. She is being sent to spend her summer with an aunt in Scotland who she just learned she had. She is not going to be having the fun summer with her friends in Los Angeles as she had thought. Once she arrives on Opade Isle in Scotland her adventure begins. She is befriended by a local boy name Sam. She learns from Sam and his grandmother of the magic of Opade Isle and the dark history it holds. She also learns of the importance of her unique dark violet eyes. She discovers a secret chamber within the walls of Dragon Cliff Manor. Zoe is also watched by a sinister dark shadow. Ever watching her and Sam's every move. She soon learns of the ancient scroll written in Rune symbols by her grandfather the Baron Borrack. Zoe must decipher the scroll to learn the meaning behind the foretelling of the Prophecy. Book One takes it's reader on an adventure into the ancient world of magic, dragons lore and mystery.