Alexandra "Alex" Simons, style writer for The Weekly magazine, has landed in Paris for fashion week, her heart beating in perfect tempo with the hallowed words Prada, Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo. In those first heady hours, as she dresses in just the right outfit for Chanel's runway show, Alex remains blissfully unaware of her approaching fate: a public humiliation captured by the TV cameras, the chance for an exclusive story on the season's hottest underground designer, and a fateful meeting with Nick Snow, the cutest straight guy in all of France.
Nick Snow is not only adorable, but also interested. And there, in the most romantic city in the world, Alex finds herself falling off her Louboutin three-inch heels into a fog of pheromones and happiness. But not for long. First the hot new designer mysteriously disappears before Alex can get her scoop. And then Alex gets a painful reminder of the first rule of living that she learned years ago as a girl in Texas, even before the one about not mixing big shoulders with big hair: Men can break your heart.
But women can't live without them any more than they can pass up a Dolce & Gabbana sample sale. As fast as she can say "Do you accept Visa?" Alex is ready to take matters firmly into her beautifully manicured hands-first shop, then get her story, and then get her man...