The short story collection starts with “A Proper Lady,” which introduces Eleanor, a ghost that is determined not to move on from her antique home. The Grim Reaper is forced to employ a number of tricks and persuasive tactics in an attempt to convince Eleanor to stop clinging to her old life and accept her death.The second story, “Valley of Decay,” describes the naïve venture of four young adults—Jaryn, Kallee, Hanir, and Brant—as they enter a cursed valley. It is said that the spirit of an old Mage haunts the valley, and none who enter have ever returned.“First Time for Everything” is the third story, and it is told from the perspective of Altavir, a Daemon on the hunt for food in Mundanity, the mortal realm. He catches the scent of a lone, human girl—an easy meal for a Daemon…right?The final story, “A Promise in Blood,” focuses on Eyvalari and Varik—two elves that live in the small, elf village of Ilthara. When cultists appear, they shatter the quiet peace of Ilthara and change Eyvalari and Varik’s lives forever.