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The kidnapping changes everything ...
Twelve-year-old Jillian Blairington never thought she was particularly special.
She was wrong. She's a Dream Shaper.
The scientists responsible for the genetic modifications kidnap her inorder to teach Jillian how to use her Gift. But she isn't alone. Theyalso have her babysitter, Danielle Matheson, snatched to keep her inline.
They also have a task for her.
If Jillian can't master her Gift quickly, Danielle might only be the first victim of many.

Interview with the Author:
Q: What makes the Devya's Children series special?
A: At the heart, this series is about family and friendship as well as the ethical questions surrounding genetic engineering. It's been likened to the Orphan Black TV show. I like to think of it as a morefamily-friendly take on those themes. The premise is that a brilliantscientist and his team created several genetically altered children whohave special Gifts, such as telepathy, healing, and dream shaping.

The journal/letters style is not unique to this series, but I believeultimately it suits my need to get in these people's heads. I've workedvery hard to fill the books with relatable characters. Some of themhappen to have superpowers, but as Jillian points out, everybody hasgifts, if not Gifts. It's just a matter of finding out what those giftsare and how they can be applied for the good of the world.

Q: What order should I read them in?
A: I suggest the traditional order of:
- Ashlynn's Dreams
- Nadia's Tears
- Malia's Miracles
- Varick's Quest
... before jumping into the prequel--The Dark Side of Science--or the Ashlynn's Dreams Shorts.

The prequel and the short stories can certainly be read as standalones, but they may be more enjoyable once the reader's already familiar with some of the characters.

Q: Where does this book fit in the series? What theme(s) make it special?
A: Ashlynn's Dreams is where it all started. This is definitely the placewhere you want to jump in and get connected. If I had to pick a fewcentral themes, I'd say kidnapping, family, and genetic engineering.

Why kidnapping? Well, it's awful and scary and just plain wrong, but inthis case, there's a specific reason the scientists do it.

Howdoes family fit in? What makes a family? The truth is that family's acomplicated thing. For example, here, Jillian has a mother, a father, astep-father, and much more. It's been fun to explore those connections.

Science fiction's all about the what-ifs. We're actually just getting into theadvancements in real world genetics where some of these things could bein the near future. That's going to open a whole can of ethical worms.Fiction's a wonderful playground for delving into scientific ethics.

Q: Why should readers check out this series?
A: Because Devya's Children will introduce you to a charming cast ofcharacters dealing with some big issues. Right or wrong, the childrenexist, so now what? If you have the power to change the world, shouldyou? What are the personal cost and consequences of shaping the world?These are all questions explored by the series.

Q: Can the reader get the whole series at once?
A: Readers can grab books 1-3 in a combination.