Take cover! The fuse is lit! Prepare to have everything you ever thought you knew blown to bits!Blowing things up since before he could walk, Oz could make bombs out of anything and everything ~ lady's knickers, a torn shoestring, even dried-out, old cow patties. There was nothing he couldn't make go boom, nothing he couldn't bend to his will.Then came London.Intelligent, quick-witted, and strong-willed with more curves than a country back road, Oz was defenseless in the face of the fiery attraction he felt for his redheaded bombshell. Busting through his iron-clad defenses like a landmine, for the first time, the Guardsman known as 'Stone Cold' struggled to find his balance.So, he opened his mouth and stuck both feet and half his ass in his mouth.Now, the tables are turned, and her father's been abducted. The choice is clear. Swallow his pride and help the one woman in all the world who was created just for him. But will she forgive his arrogance? Can she ever understand his need to protect her? Will she be able to overlook his less-than-politically-correct way of getting his point across? Be his partner when he turned her away without so much as a backward glance?The Universe doesn't make mistakes, and Fate Will Not Be Denied, but then again, neither has ever dealt with a couple as unpredictable as Oz and his Bobcat.