This tender little Christmas story within a story focuses on two young crippled girls. Crystal's injury in a car accident has left her confined to a wheelchair. She is understandably discouraged, and sometimes even a little angry with God.
Her school teacher, Mrs. Parsons, gives Crystal an old favorite book to read. It is a story about Rebecca, the crippled daughter of a shepherd in Palestine who, despite her handicap, is determined to follow the star to Bethlehem to see the Christ child. Though the journey is long and perilous, she perseveres and is rewarded by a touching visit with Mary and Joseph and the baby. Her greatest reward, however, is the sweet personal assurance that God loves her and values her as one of his dear children. The story has a profound effect on Crystal, who realizes that a loving Heavenly Father and Savior are there for her with the same comfort and assurances that Rebecca experienced.
Both Crystal and Rebecca receive the healing spiritual love that gives them the courage to face their physical challenges.