She was loyal to the crown. He was its most feared enemy. Their passion would break every rule... In the mighty battle for freedom, Love was their greatest weapon...
Raised a loyalist on a luxurious Virginia plantation, golden haired Venita Fleming had been sent to England to be kept safe from the fires of revolution. But from the moment she met Joaquin St. Cloud, her sheltered world became no more than a memory. Spiritd aboard his swift war frigate bound for New Orleans, she was suddenly swept into the very center of the inferno - a prisoner of love, unable to resist the netorious rebel and privateer. Venetia herself would become a rebel spy. But not until she faced almost certain death would she grasp the full truth.although it might mean giving up home and country, she would never betray him-the man who had pirated her away from all safety, won her to his cause, and taken possession of her heart forever.