Creator Joss Whedon's television series continues in comics, where the crew that fights dark forces is currently dealing with demons both real and personal...
The Restless Door, a powerful artifact with the ability to create portals to any dimension, has fallen into the hands of the Mistress, the Sculptor, and the Soul Glutton. While the trio of Big Bads is opening portals around the globe, bringing dangerous demons to Earth, Buffy and the Scoobies are struggling to fight this demon world war. They are likewise struggling to get along and disagreeing about how to solve the overall problem. Their paths are diverging, which--for Buffy--feels a lot like betrayal. The result is that while Dawn and Xander are stranded in another dimension and waiting for a rescue, Willow, Giles, Spike, and Buffy are having trouble fighting the growing problems on Earth even while they search for a way to bring Dawn and Xander home. To make matters worse, a new Big Bad makes a move to capture the magical rule book, with disastrous results!
Writers Christos Gage (The Amazing Spider-Man) and Buffy star Nicholas Brendon team with artist Rebekah Isaacs (Angel & Faith) and Megan Levens (Spell on Wheels, Star Trek: Waypoint) to take on the Slayer and her teammates in their tenth season of supernatural drama!
This oversized Library edition collects the materials from Buffy Season 10 Volume 5 and Volume 6 softcovers, along with the short story from the Dark Horse Day Sampler, and includes a cover gallery and sketchbook section.