Return to the tantalizing kingdom of Akora. Now the legendary nation renowned for the strength of its warriors -- and the allure of its women -- faces a threat to its future. Only the forbidden passion between an outsider and its own young princess can determine its fate...
It is the first trip abroad for Kassandra, the courageous princess of Akora. Enamored of all things English, the exotic beauty is eager to mingle with London society -- and meet her first English gentleman. But the striking man she discovers in her brother's home is quite the opposite of what she expected.
Powerful and commanding as an Akoran warrior, he hardly resembles the sensitive knight she'd envisioned -- yet he is exactly what she will need. For Kassandra's journey is about to bring her face-to-face with both the man of her dreams and her most terrifying fear....
Hero: Royce
Heroine: Kassandra