The dramatic sequel to
Jacobean AdventureAlec Nimmo, his life in danger, sets sail for America. By the time he reaches the New World, Alec is closely involved with three women.
Katharine Leslie, the beautiful temptress, tries to turn Alec against his closest friend; Janet Macilroy, the gentle widow, desperately awaits his return to Scotland; and Polly Sugden, headstrong and reckless, who shares with Alec a life of adventure - and danger.
This is a story of terrible hardship in the little settlement of James Town, Virginia - of courage, endurance and passion. Even for Nimmo, fiery and impetuous, with everything to live for, there are times when the struggle becomes too much, when death seems more real than life . . .
"Immensely readable . . . tremendously absorbing."
Elizabethan"A worthy addition to a long line of excellent and well-researched novels."
Manchester Evening News