The serial novel begins...
From Joseph Pittman comes this serialized tale of secrets, murder, and the search for the ultimate truth. Combining his appreciation for small town life as seen in his Linden Corners series with his love of mystery as evidenced by his Todd Gleason crime novels, THE ORIGINAL CRIME is a tour-de-force of suspense fiction.
Matthew Clark has returned to the upstate New York village of Eckert's Landing for a family crisis, only to be dragged down a dark path of murder and suspicion. The body of an unknown woman has turned up on the abandoned railroad tracks and local police chief Rick Kelly doesn't know where to begin his investigation. The only clue is the fact the method of murder mirrors that of a killer who haunted the village twenty years ago. But the Engraver, as he was dubbed, is long gone, or so it is believed. What secret has come home to Eckert's Landing, threatening to dredge up yesterday's awful past?
Don't miss the entire novel, published in three installments: REMEMBRANCE, RETRIBUTION and REDEMPTION.