The serial novel concludes...
From acclaimed author Joseph Pittman comes this serialized tale of secrets, murder, and the search for the ultimate truth. Combining his appreciation for small town life as seen in his Linden Corners series with his love of mystery as evidenced by his Todd Gleason crime novels, THE ORIGINAL CRIME is a tour-de-force of suspense fiction.
With fear holding a lock on the residents of Eckert's Landing, Matt knows a break must come soon in the Engraver case. Digging deep into lives of the families of the original victims, Matt stumbles upon an even bigger secret, one that threatens to not just expose a killer but possibly destroy his own life. As a storm rages and the Eckert River begins to flood the town, Matt comes face to face with a brutal killer--whose identity shocks him to his very core. As the flood waters rise, so too does the tension, the danger, and only one last desperate act will bring about a solution that cannot help but leave Eckert's Landing forever changed.
Don't miss the entire novel, published in three installments: REMEMBRANCE, RETRIBUTION and REDEMPTION.