Here Delaney explores the societal benefits and consequences of modern scientific progress in his semi-futuristic debut novel Trojan Cure. The story focuses around a closed-doors government research facility, Alka, which after endless years of research has finally produced the cure to cancer. A news firm based in Los Angeles sends reporter Nayan Addison, a sarcastic ex-microbiologist, to investigate the creation of the cure. Upon an initial interview, Nayan perceives the people working there to be free-willed good Samaritans genuinely trying to help the world. But suspicions arise regarding the mysterious disappearance of homeless people, and when Nayan follows the lead he finds Alka's chancellor to be holding back a dark secret which could jeopardize the lives of everyone living in the modern world.
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(For the previewers out there- the book preview lists both Chapter 1, which is representative of the book, and the Prologue, which is not)