Stories that affirm the indelible bond among humans and animals The relationships among human and non-human animals goes back to the beginning of time-and the ways in which these relationships have evolved (and sometimes not) is the inspiration for this collection of contemporary short fiction, penned by writers from across the globe. This diverse collection of stories explores the ways in which we live among-and often in conflict with-our non-human counterparts. These stories feature animals from the familiar (dogs and cats) to the exotic (elands and emus), and in these stories animals are both the rescuers and the rescued.
Within these pages are glimpses of the world through the eyes of a zookeeper, a shelter worker, a penguin researcher, and a neighborhood stray, among many others-all highlighting the ways in which animals and humans understand and challenge one another.
Among Animals is a dynamic collection of stories from the world's most gifted contemporary authors-those who pay close attention to the creatures with which we share our planet, and who inspire us to pay closer attention as well.
Stories and contributors include: - Alas, Falada! by Diane Lefer
- Greyhound by Jean Ryan
- Beyond the Strandline by Mary Akers
- Meat by C.S. Malerich
- Aren't You Pretty? by Patrick Hicks
- The Ecstatic Cry by Midge Raymond
- Litter by Philip Armstrong
- The Boto's Child by Rosalie Loewen
- Emu by Jessica Zbeida
- With Sheep by Carol Guess and Kelly Magee
- Pelicans by Julian Hoffman
- The Weight of Things Unsaid by Sara Dupree
- Blue Murder by Suzanne Kamata
- Bad Berry Season by Melodie Edwards
- Miriam's Lantern by Ray Keifetz