A fragile peace has finally been established between Alfred's Saxons and Guthrum's Danes and so Winfrith is very concerned when she stumbles across the murdered body of Erik, one of King Guthrum's jarls. A Saxon thegn, Eadwyn, is known to have quarrelled with Erik and is accused of the murder but flees before he can answer the accusation or pay the wergild demanded. His ageing father Eadward is taken as hostage in his place and Winfrith agrees to accompany him to the Danish stronghold of Chippenham to ensure he is well treated. While there her natural curiosity lead her to find out more about the unpopular Erik. Just when she believes she is getting closer to uncovering the Danish jarl's murderer Eadward is taken ill, suffering from corncockle poisoning. Suddenly her own safety is threatened by hostility from Erik's fellow jarls and signs that whoever killed him thinks she is asking far too many questions. When Eadward dies she feels responsible for not guarding him well enough and determines to expose the poisoner and Erik's killer, regardless of the risks to her own life.