Sometimes the past can be a dangerous thing…
1955 and New York City shivers in an epidemic of crime as the police department is pushed to its limit.
Jasper Rainey is a policeman with a broken past and a marriage he is unable to save.
After tracking a serial killer that has been preying on the bankers in the city, he is granted the position of detective.
It is on the eve of his promotion that Rainey discovers that he is more than he thought he was.
It is this very discovery that draws him into a twisted mystery. A mystery of a woman in purple and a faceless man known only as Toledo.
Facing adversity and scorn from his fellow officers and the open hatred of his commissioner, Rainey finds himself alone in trying to unravel an ever-intriguing mystery.
Rainey must face the fact that he isn't just the man for the job, but the only man for the job.