In a secret parallel world to Atlanta Georgia, a group of shape-shifting humans trains to combat alien werewolf-like warriors, Morois, and dragons in the virtual reality, Great Game. When Gareth Giorgi Owen, a 29-year-old descendant of Giorgi the Dragon Slayer, faces a werewolf-like creature, his influential godmother, Teodora, is puzzled. How did the other combatant, Adam Balazs, who operates a steampunk store, adopt that shape? She worries that Gareth may have confronted a real Siguldian warrior. Then, women steampunk afficionados, like Gareth's girlfriend, Jenny, are murdered at the full moon. He and his godmother suspect Adan and an ex-girlfriend of Gareth's, Imelda Gonzales of abducting Jenny. Teodora arranges a game in which Gareth will confront Adam and Imelda. Will Gareth survive?