About Dream Reaper
There was something under the ice at Steamboat Slough, something lost, buried in the frozen wreckage where the children feared to play.
For Daniel Edwards, returning to the old mission site near the Yukon where he taught school a decade past, the wreckage of an old steamboat becomes a focal point of terror and fear when he encounters an ancient entity storied in Eskimo myth and recurring throughout all human cultures in various forms since the dawn of recorded history.
In a mystery weaving the shifting imagery of a dream with modern psychology and ancient myth, Daniel struggles to solve the riddle of the old wreck and free himself from the haunting embrace of a nightmare older than history itself.
Based on a an ancient Eskimo myth, and a real time, and place in the frozen wilderness of Alaska, Dream Reaper has a universal almost archetypal quality about it, a strange alchemy of science, soul, mythology and erotic horror.