BEYOND TERRORISM: SURVIVALThe Next ISIS Plot: Find out what's next for the ISIS
army of terror in this fictional account of what could be the next ISIS plot. Has the attack in San Bernardino left you wondering what could be the next round? In a bioterror epidemic, the
genetically engineered plague is invisible. Our
borders are open, metal detectors are useless, even as ISIS, the Islamic State, raises its menacing black flag in the Middle East and Europe.What if the gridlock of party conflict causes
government collapse as people die by the millions? What if only the people themselves can redeem the future? But where is mutual trust when
every day is a struggle for dwindling resources?Read the story of two unlikely strangers who found a way to
survive the apocalypse, the deadliest terrorist attack in history, and made a new life for themselves in a resurrected world.