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Are you a Christian, or even religious? Is having faith a comfort -- do you believe in God? Good, because He is about to shock you right down to your sandals! And He'll do so with a new book titled, Jesus Is Alive and Appearing Everywhere But Camden. It's the story of God's Son Jesus Christ returning to earth in very human form several times over the past 20 years. What happens to Jesus and His apostles as they travel around America in these harsh modern times follows the overall plot of the original Gospels with dazzling truth; they've landed in the U.S., the “most spiritually bankrupt place” on the globe, and their reception in these godless times is about what they expected. But the ‘new' Jesus is not the passive, laid-back itinerant preacher from the old New Testament; this Christ is testy, leathery tough, and, from His enemies' opening salvos, He's arrived “ready to rumble” in order to present and spread His ‘updated' message of faith. This Messiah is the Rocky Marciano of Supreme Beings. Early in the book, on God's instruction, He chooses the ‘perfect steno' to dutifully record His latest adventures, mishaps, ministry and betrayals. Rick, the ‘scribe', is a fanatic Biblical scholar and ‘devoted agnostic', so he's totally objective and honest; his pointblank rendering of this new Gospel is peppered with quotes and parallel fables from actual Scripture told with astonishing accuracy and ingenious updating of the original to current times. Believers and non-believers alike will be running to the Bible to compare and contrast the two. In vividly rendered ‘scenes', this ‘Gospel of ideas' is a worthy conveyor of Jesus' divinity; His omniscience and omnipotence, however, detract not an atom from His rigorous, robust and enduring humanity. Yet, He is still God, and thus a Pure Logician, and His defensive stance at His court trials will spark surprise, deep thought and even controversy. These debates are laid out with such stunning and compelling force and clarity, the reader will find it hard to believe they did not actually happen! And in as much as Rick, the scribe, relates this story with humble obedience to Jesus' will and direction, Jesus is Alive and Appearing Everywhere But Camden is part apologia and part satanic burlesque, part right wing polemic and part leftist manifesto, part demagogic diatribe and part missionary mummery, part neo-modern ethic and rally cry for a return to totally outdated values, part brimstone and part Matchlite charcoal, part fundamentalist didactic and part liberating theosophy . . . need I go on?! In her comprehensive Preface, the editor reveals that this 'novel of the Christ' was held back for two decades by its ‘transcriber,' John Richards, who does not call himself the book's author; as he puts it, “God is the author of all written works, all art, and all existence in the entire Universe.” He finally released this volume, in part, to specifically refute atheistic bestsellers such as The God Delusion, and The Christ Conspiracy. It is predicted that the fans of such books, and also all atheists and agnostics, will despise Jesus is Alive and Appearing Everywhere But Camden so much, they will pray for its banning or outright disappearance. It ain't gonna happen. This new gospel is a powerful adjunct and companion piece to its original, as it is verily to be. And like its Mother Ship, the Bible, is a book for the Ages; for millions of readers, it will appear no less than a blessed rocket, with its nose aimed straight at Heaven.