Sherlock and his companions, the Baker Street Adventurers, embark on a mission to discover if a mysterious energy portal leads to the land of Fairie or not. They enter the portal only to find themselves in a much stranger place than they could ever have imagined. Harry Houdini and Doctor Watson go back to their world to make sure the doorway to the new world remains open, but accidentally let Hyde through. Sherlock, Conan Doyle and Professor Challenger are met by a strange tribe of people who stand almost eight feet tall and have a sixth toe. They send the team toanother parallel world where England's serial killer, Jack the Ripper, looks exactly like Professor Challenger. They are arrested by the Bobbies of that London and brought to trial for the murder of seven women. Conan and Watson race against time to rescue their companions. An updated, revised and expanded version of the original story filled with many more exciting moments and action.