The conclusion of the exciting Shifter series! Plus another fun read from the G1, Bureau of ExtraOrdinary Affairs books. SHIFTER 4+The situation in the world has become dire as the Shifters unleash a series of viruses intended to bring humanity under their dominion, and more easily corralled for food consumption.G1 and the world is forced to a conclusion that must end in a pre-emptive strike. A strike that will bring dangerous consequences for human history!Meanwhile, Higgins has gained the trust of the female Shifter and is working on a plan with her that could end the conflict, but is there enough time for G1 and Higgins to bring all the danger to a successful conclusion? AMORPHOUS Professor Slaker is on an expedition to discover new chemicals for new medicines and other uses, when he discovers an odd chemical in the jungle he is exploring. It seems to acquire the shape of whatever it touches. Unfortunately, it infects him.And from that point on, he begins to change into something Amorphous. A Blob that is going to absorb every living thing on the planet into it, unless G1 can come up with a fix. Buy now.