TWO MORE G1, BUREAU OF EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE FICTION MYSTERIES.SHIFTER 2+G1 faces a major crisis.A pair of Shifters, reptilian predators are spreading a deadly virus acrossthe planet, and it is rapidly spreading across populations.Our world is being softened and prepared for an invasion unlike any imaginable!March still doesn't remember his relationship with Higgins and between the battle lines being drawn and theiremotional upset, the world is becoming a very hostile place.Can Higgins finally help March to get his memory back?Can the two of them together with their teammates stop the spread of the virus...and the invasion of millions of starving shifters?THE NEVERMORE MYSTERY, a G1 short story.A being capable of multiplying itself across multidimensions aas invaded Earth.How can G1 stop a being that has no way of being tracked, or seen, except when it murders?Two gripping reads you won't want to let pass you by.