What better gift to give yourself or someone you love than five tales that strike terror into your heart and that of your beloved. After all, it's happening to them, not you. Or is it? 5 books to show your loved one that you really care for a deadly Valentine's kind of way that only Sherlock Holmes could help solve.ALICE IN MURDERLAND[The true story of Alice in Wonderland is not so sweet.DEATH ON LAVENDERLavender is the last thing you smell before you die.COUNT DRACULA, COLD FACTS 1Dracula has no friends, but with luck he just might have one...Young Sherlock Holmes.HARSH MEASURESThere's good blood, and then there's bad. And then there's just...MISTER SHAFER'S CANDY SHOPMirror, mirror on the wall. Who's got the fairest candy of them all?It will just kill you to find out!