No one knows for certain that Robin Hood is dead, but Robin of the Woods wakes up every day thinking he has to find out. It drives him to keep protecting his band of Merry Men while he seeks to find the truth of his father.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Noddington seeks to wipe out this new Robin and his Merry Men to the last person, feeding any survivors to demons.
Robin is aided by Merlin, who has returned from a long trek of knowledge gathering.
Robin and his Merry Men must foil a new plot by the Sheriff using a Dark Seed to discover their whereabouts. The Dark Seed is a powerful evil thought that takes on a life of its own and is directed by the Council of Nine, evil men who are the real power behind the throne of England.
Can Robin and his men avoid the fatal massacre that Sheriff John and his men are bringing to him or will he discover a strength and power he didn't know he had to save them all?