EIGHT EXCITING SHERLOCK HOLMES URBAN FANTASY MYSTERIES 1.A Case of Mistaken Identity -- a case of more than two legs to deal with 2. Baffled and Bedazzled -- Same old story. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl eats boy. Period. 3. A Matter of Taste -- Brotherly love that goes too far. 4. Case of the Missing Death -- Sometimes death rides the same train as us. 5. Case of the Elegant Lady -- Maybe, she is not what she seems. 6. Empire and Domain -- Twisted purposes lead to twisted power. 7. The Case of Constable Evans Fancy -- Constable Evans falls in love. 8.The Case of the Coughing Man -- Evil intent can be as dark as sorcery. Don't miss out on the latest Double Holmes and all the wonderful Urban Fantasy mysteries inside!