Rex Bonner's next case began with the appearance of a strange and engaging woman. She arrived at the office with a very odd and unusual tale to tell. The roots of which began in war-torn Italy in 1944. A group of young girls who had banded together for their own safety, security, and survival received the support from an old and broken-down Catholic convent. There, they became revitalized and, with the advent of an old man's efforts and skills, developed into a group of killers.
With the end of hostilities, the girls spread across the plains of Europe and the lands of Liberty until one day, years later, a member of the group suddenly materialized in Rex's office. Listening to tales that stretched the imagination beyond the breaking point and covering other issues with obvious likes gave Mr. Bonner a basis to assist and investigate the strange events from the platform of "gelatin" that swayed with every step.