WHERE THE RED SANDS FLY IS THE SEQUEL TO THE BESTSELLING NOVELS THE TRIPODS ATTACK AND THE EMPEROR OF NORTH AMERICA, AND IS THE THIRD AND FINAL VOLUME IN THE YOUNG CHESTERTON CHRONICLES--AN EXCITING ADVENTURE FICTION SERIES FOR TEENS TO ADULTS WHICH RE-IMAGINES THE FAMOUS CATHOLIC AUTHOR AS A YOUNG MAN IN AN ALTERNATIVE EDWARDIAN AGE OF STEAM-DRIVEN WONDERS. In the last two years Gilbert Keith Chesterton has seen London burned by Martians, been shot at by steam cowboys, and had his first kiss interrupted by flying assassins with machine guns. He's ridden atop a giant robot shaped like Abraham Lincoln as it stomped through New York City, was kidnapped by an emperor, led a revolution and was dropped into the Potomac by the girl who broke his heart and then his nose. And right after that, his best friend shot him in the chest to save his life.Then, things got interesting.Learning that he has long-lost family in the British colonies on Mars, Gilbert must make a journey he never expected so he can meet siblings he never knew existed. With the help of a young military officer named Hilaire Belloc, he'll make and lose friends, lose and find love, and win victories and defeats as he makes his last, desperate attempt to save two worlds from the clutches of evil men.Most challenging of all: even if the day is won, the fight won't be over for another twenty years...