Set in the Yucatan Peninsula in 1979, Swimming in the Deep End is a fast-paced, witty novel of romantic intrigue that takes the reader on a tour of ancient and modern Mayaland, from the glamorous resort hotels of Cancun to the bustling capital of Merida, to the ruins of Cobá, Uxmal, Chitzen Itza, and Palenque, to the remote beaches and cenotes of southern Quintana Roo, to the dazzling pools and treacherous waterfalls of Agua Azul. D. Ray and Cissy Ramsey have come to Mexico to save their marriage. It wasn't their first mistake. It won't be their last. But it will be their most dangerous. He's a high-rolling Texan with blue-collar roots. She's a Dallas former debutante and swimming champion. They love each other, as long as he's saving her life. Can this marriage be saved?