25 to Life is the fifth and latest installment in the Jack Bertolino series, written by John Lansing in the propulsive, cinematic, page-turning style he has become known for. Gloria Millhouse, a beautiful African American law student, is working with Project for the Innocent. She has done extensive research on inmate Carl Forbes, who she believes was wrongfully arrested, convicted and incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit, the sexual assault and brutal murder of a teenage girl in Los Angeles twenty-three years ago. Gloria dies in a car crash on Malibu Canyon Road after questioning powerful, politically-connected men who were witnesses at Carl's trial and knew the victim personally. Private investigator Jack Bertolino is brought on to discover the truth behind Gloria's death. Was her crash simply a random accident or a conspiracy to prevent the courts from reopening the case and granting Carl Forbes a new trial? Jack believes that Gloria was murdered, and as the body count rises, it becomes clear that if Jack can find Gloria's killer, he will also find the man responsible for the teenager's assault and murder. And Carl Forbes can walk out of prison a free man. Razor-sharp characters propel a taut, suspenseful thriller.—Kirkus Reviews John Lansing's 25 to Life is a tight, taught, intricately layered hard-boiled whodunit. P.I. Jack Bertolino is at his bulldog best and Lansing's writing has never been better. A terrific read!—Matt Coyle, author of the multi-award-winning Rick Cahill series In 25 to Life, John Lansing has managed to pack a riveting PI procedural into an action-packed suspense thriller without ever losing his breakneck pace. A terrific addition to a gripping series.—Craig Faustus Buck, Macavity Award-winning author In the fifth Jack Bertolino novel, John Lansing has a winner. 25 to Life, a tale of police corruption and brutality serves up gritty, unrelenting action, spiced up with a little romance. I couldn't put it down.—Terry Shames, author of Guilt Strikes at Granger's Store A master of the page-turner, Lansing's 25 to Life inspires some very late-night reading. His scenes are vivid and his characters are as real as they get. In my opinion, 25 to Life is Lansing's best work to date… and that's saying something. If you enjoy thrill rides without the use of brakes, then do yourself a favor and strap in. You're in for an unforgettable spin! —Steven Manchester, best-selling author of Ashes A rapid telling of an intricate tale, it is, literally, bloody great.—Rob Pierce, author of Snake Slayer and the Uncle Dust series