Abracadabra Meets Action: A Gripping Tale of Magic and Mystery In Magician in Trouble, a harmless magician is unexpectedly thrust into an intense police standoff. Facing more than just stage fright, he must use his magic not for applause, but to diffuse a perilous crisis. This thrilling novella cleverly combines the allure of a magic show with the suspense of a hostage situation, promising a read that's as captivating as it is unpredictable. As a standalone story, it's a perfect introduction to the world of the popular nine-book Eli Marks mystery series. Offering a glimpse into the unique blend of magic, mystery, and mayhem you can expect from the series, it's a tantalizing gateway to the enchanting and suspenseful adventures of Eli Marks. You will just LOVE these books!—VANISH Magazine Intelligently written and ... entirely engrossing. —Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine