This series of personal histories is an account of the humans who had survived the ice age that followed an apocalyptic series of events in old time 2194. The story is written by Hairy Pig and his friend, Lyllia, about twenty four thousand years after the end of the first try at human civilization. There were six surviving groups of humans that survived in a variety of manners ranging from living in underground mining galleries to caves to unknown methods of survival. There are three of the groups of survivors that have no idea where they came from.Hairy Pig has been requested to write the story, or personal historical observations, by his great friend Beatrice to help shed some light on these survival stories. He has decided to continue his accounts of the survival of humans on the Mother Earth with contemporary accounts. This contemporary account was inspired by the events on the Southern Land Mass and contains firsthand accounts by all of the Tsitsistas involved. Interviews were used for other participants. Hairy Pig has wrapped the story of the Kulum around the first interplanetary trip by humans. The Little Princess was launched from Mother Earth to travel to Venus on 23,673.13.14. This is the eleventh volume in the series.