Four years ago a man named Scout “Striker” Carleson and his band of misfits fought a war that never was to save a universe that never will be. Thanks to the noble sacrifice of the great Shiro Carnus, the universe was restored, and its inhabitants made to forget the perils that it once faced. But at what cost? The Ascension picks up where the The Fallen left off. Scout Carleson is a successful businessman who lives a life of extravagance as only a billionaire can. Yet Scout is plagued by dark visions of the return of an ultimate evil that he thought he laid to rest in the shadows of a forgotten past. And as the darkness builds, another danger is building. Now Scout and his allies must band together one last time to save the universe from the ultimate evil, and from itself. The Ascension is a coming of age filled with heart pounding excitement, and promises to keep the reader guessing until the very end.