This is the final textual volume in The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882" 1953, published in 3 series comprising 37 volumes: The Early Works, 1882" 1898 (5 vols.); The Middle Works, 1899" 1924 (15 vols.); The Later Works, 1925" 1953 (17 vols.).
Volume 17 contains Dewey' s writings discovered after publication of the appropriate volume of The Collected Works and spans most of Dewey' s publishing life. There are 83 items in this volume, 24 of which have not been previously published.
Among works highlighted in this volume are 10 “ Educational Lectures before Brigham Young Academy,” early essays “ War' s Social Results” and “ The Problem of Secondary Education after the War,” and the previously unpublished “ The Russian School System.”