Since his serialized debut in All-Story magazine in 1912, the spacefaring adventurer John Carter of Mars has become one of Edgar Rice Burroughs' most beloved characters. The star of decades worth of novels and comic books, he's soon to be immortalized on the silver screen as well, in the upcoming Pixar film release John Carter of Mars! In this volume, John Carter, an ex-soldier turned prospector, is transported to Mars -- "Barsoom," as it is known to its natives -- under mysterious circumstances, and becomes a champion dedicated to protecting his new home and newly found love, the princess Dejah Thoris, from warring alien civilizations and a host of deadly Barsoomian beasts! Collecting stories originally published in Tarzan #s 207-209 and Weird Worlds #s 1-7, and featuring the work of comics legends Marv Wolfman, Murphy Anderson, Gray Morrow, Sal Amendola, Joe Orlando, and Howard Chaykin, this volume is a perfect introduction to the legacy of John Carter of Mars.