The fourth installment in the series that takes a provocative look at the relationship between vampire and servant...
Lord Mason has lived in the Sahara desert for 300 years, grieving for a lost love and guarding her tomb. When the tomb is breached, his vampire bloodlust is stirred to raging by the thought of someone disturbing her sanctuary.
What he finds is Jessica, a fugitive from his own world. Forced into service to a cruel vampire master, Jessica was able to kill him when he tried to make her his full servant. Because the third marking was not complete, it left her alive...barely.
Drawn by the historic legend of the tomb, not knowing how it intertwines with the vampire world she is seeking to avoid, Jessica's only desire is to die there, with her hand on the sarcophagus of the woman who had an unyielding faith in love.
Instead, her desire to live is forcibly re-awakened by the vampire who refuses to let her give up. She clings to her hatred, but Mason is determined to help her believe in love again. The only catch is he might have to do the same. But can he offer up his heart to another extraordinary woman if he already gave it away centuries ago?