A humorous fantasy in the tradition of Pierre Anthony's Xanth series! In the magical land of Retslu, Dorian, a plucky youth, sets off to win the hand of the lovely princess Jennifer, by winning a tournament. During his travels he befriends a vampire, saves a tiger-headed woman from assault, falls into the Looking-Glass world, is thrown down a well by a witch, is tried by gnomes, goes to Hell, is kidnapped by pirates, finds Atlantis which sinks into the sea, and exchanges riddles with a troll. Through amazing luck and guile, he becomes one of ten tournament finalists. But that is only the beginning, the tournament winners must go on a quest to obtain water from the Fountain of Youth. The first to return with the magical fluid will marry Princess Jennifer and be named heir apparent to the throne. The final test of Dorian's pluck comes when he and the other finalists reach the Fountain of Youth, guarded by the great red dragon who demands the one thing each finalist cannot give in order to pass the gate. A uprorious fantasy classic in the making no true fan should miss.