While in prison, Ron Trentweiler, a petty thief, is befriended by an itinerant preacher and gets "religion." Upon his release, he founds a small, storefront Pentecostal-style church in his native, rural Alabama. Enter Winona Stepp, a visitor at one of his services who seems to know all about "Brother Ron," as he has taken to calling himself, yet insists upon keeping her own past to herself. Things go smoothly for the pair, that is until Winona suggests using venomous snakes in their "act" and all hell breaks loose. Eventually, they make their way north into Matt's "backyard" in the Catskills, where things take a murderous twist. What secrets are hiding in Winona's closet? Is Brother Ron exactly what he appears to be? Is he a religious convert or just a con man? These and other questions confront Chief of Police, Matt Davis, along with the usual cast of characters in the new Matt Davis Mystery, TWICE BITTEN, as he once more comes face to face with murder in the sleepy village of Roscoe, NY.