A Man of Appetites with a Montana Drawl...
Cass Starbaugh was six-foot-six of muscled hero with bronzed skin and sunstreaked hair -- and downright irresistible to a redheaded nurse who'd always felt gawky around men! Gayle Stromm had come to the Bitterroot Valley only to escape the nightmares her work had caused, but caring for this injured mountain climber with a wicked sense of humor made her smoky eyes flash with unconfessed desire. Cass loved a challenge and enjoyed teasing the spectacular goddess he nicknamed Stormy, who touched his tender side and made him dream of dancing cheek to cheek. When he seduced her with romantic picnics and tantalized her with steamy embraces that made her feel beautiful, both were stunned to discover that playful feelings had deepened into something stronger. Stormy had wanted only a memory to cherish, sure that enduring love was a dream she couldn't share. Could Cass teach the lady who'd helped him dare to conquer the mountain that she was all the woman he'd ever want?